Buttery soft Peanut Butter Cookies! These are a classic cookie, but I'd bet that this recipe is a little different from the classic you're used to... this...
Salted Caramel Brownie Cookies are an indulgent cookie recipe loaded with chocolate & caramel! Salty sweet perfection in a wonderful homemade cookie recipe...
A sweet and simple recipe for tender, buttery shortbread cookies. A quick and easy recipe that can be made in under an hour. Drizzle with chocolate if...
A soft and chewy Gingersnap Cookie Recipe! These cookies are perfectly spiced (with just the right amount of heat) and come together with no chilling required!...
Neapolitan cookies are soft & chewy cookies that combine strawberry, chocolate & vanilla flavors! Just like the classic ice cream flavor, Neapolitan makes...
Soft Glazed Lemon Cookies are a perfectly sweet & tart lemon cookie! This Soft Lemon Cookie recipe is made with fresh lemon with a tangy lemon glaze on...
Thick, soft, and chewy Monster Cookies that are absolutely loaded with add-ins. Today's cookies are packed with oats, peanut butter, chocolate and butterscotch...
How to make an easy royal icing using meringue powder. Great for outlining, filling, and all your sugar cookie decorating needs. This recipe is essentially...
These Gingerbread Men are the ultimate Christmas cookies! My recipe yields soft, yet firm gingerbread cookies that are perfectly spiced, buttery, and hold...
Marbled chocolate chip cookies made with white chocolate and semi sweet chocolate for a double chocolate treat! Chocolate chip cookies with a fun black...
NESTLE TOLL HOUSE COOKIES recipe from the little yellow bag of chocolate chips with a few tweaks to make them even BETTER! Fantastic buttery chocolate...
Grasshopper cookies are fudgy brownie cookies stuffed with a Mint Oreo and topped with the ultimate mint chocolate frosting! Indulgent mint chocolate cookies...